Sunday, March 4, 2012

Stepping Out!

The time has come!  I am finally stepping down, aside, out-of-the-box, or whatever else you want to call it.  Last December, David and I started working together to launch RPI into 'delivery mode'.  Well, that task is accomplished and under way so I will now return to my passion.... locating new resources and/or suppliers!  I love a challenge and finding high-quality meat at reasonable prices is definitely just that... maybe now more than ever before.  

Beginning March 5th, the current email address for RPI ( will be answered solely by David.  Please direct any inquiries or questions regarding delivery dates, product availability, or membership guidelines to David.  If you have a special product request or would like me to try to locate something in particular, please email me at (  )  I will no longer be involved in the day-to-day nitty-gritty of running RPI so please remember to text or call David directly.


PS Dehydrated tripe braids and goat chunks just arrived! Check 'em out!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Payment Procedure Update for March

Here's the Scoop!
    1. Read the Merry, Merry Month of March blog before this one.
    2. Follow these steps to make your payment through QuickPay.
           A.  Complete the billing (1) and shipping (2) information.
           B.  Choose PAYPAL for payment information (4).
           C.  Identify this information in the Order Comments Box:
                           1.  Indy D-Day
                    OR   2.  Delivery to --> fill in Satellite Manager's Name
           D.  Hit the PLACE ORDER button ONE TIME.  This generates 
                your order and will take you to the next page.
           E.  STOP!!! Do NOT hit the continue button.  
          F.  Now go to the QuickPay site and make your payment to RPI.  
           G. If you choose to use Paypal, hit the 'continue' button, but
               remember to add on 5% to your total order before you 
               submit your payment.
    3. I apologize for yet another tidbit (albeit an important one) of 
        information but this all came to light through our store's technical 
        support crew AFTER I posted last night's blog... Murphy's Law!

leslie (smiling ear-to-ear knowing Paypal fees are a thing of the past!)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Merry, Merry Month of March!

Greetings RPI Members!
     I love March because it means we are one month closer to spring.  I love spring because munching on bones outside is a favorite past-time for my dogs (with little fur and 2-3% body fat, my whippets do not appreciate winter).  I love my dogs because... well, who doesn't!?!?!?!  Oh, yeah... I need to share March updates with you and as usual, there are several.  They are in no particular order so please take the time to read the entire blog.  If you get bored, take a break and come back to it!  This is important information that members need to be familiar with prior to placing this month's order.

1. New products - 
        a. dehydrated tripe braids. Individually wrapped (thank heavens)!
        b. ox-tails - very limited quantities so get 'em while you can.
        c. beef liver - individual 1# packages (great for traveling)

2. Quality Control Issue - please note that due to a change in the processing procedure enacted by our wonderful USDA 'processing police', some of the boxes of goat and lamb trim may contain more trachea and esophagus than normal.  I apologize.  The supplier apologizes.  The USDA 'processing police' could care less! I want to bring this to your attention because it appears that sometime during this past month, the neck trim that originally contained mostly meat, some of the boxes now contain less.  The kicker is I cannot physically thaw ~30 cases to determine which is which.  It is still a great deal for the critters (my crew love lamb trachea!), individual cases may not be quite as 'meaty' as the case next door.  The supplier is a great guy.  We just got caught by the USDA 'meat mafia'!

3. Pinching Pennies - as a not-for-profit entity, every penny counts. Because of this, we have to change the manner in which we collect funds.  Last month alone, we paid ~$250 to Paypal!!  Starting in March, we won't have to pay any type of fees because we are going to be using QuickPay offered through Chase Banking.  
  QuickPay is 100% FREE because RPI banks with them.  That will be a HUGE savings for our little growing network and like I said, every penny counts.  QuickPay uses paperless checks to transfer money from bank to bank.  This is going to be an easy way for RPI to save a few hundred dollars every month and with the growth we are experiencing, that is a really good thing!  The more we save, the more funds we'll have to purchase more stock for everyone to enjoy!
   While I realize this is the third change to occur in our payment process in the last three months, please understand that we have been searching for something like QuickPay and if all goes as planned, there won't be a need for any more changes.  Thank you for your patience during this time of transition.
  So, all members will be expected to follow the instructions below.  These instructions have been copied directly from the Chase QuickPay FAQ page.  If you have any questions, PLEASE read the page prior to emailing either David or me with your concerns and/or questions.   As far as RPI is concerned, this is as good as it gets!

How do I enroll in Chase QuickPay? 
Enrollment is simple and secure. First, you’ll need to create your Chase online profile and confirm that you own the e-mail address (must match your RPI registration) and bank account you want to use with this service.
         If you’re a Chase customer with an active online profile, please enroll in Chase QuickPay to add it to your Chase online profile.
1.  Go to and log on with your Chase User ID and Password.
2.  Select and verify your preferred e-mail address.
3.  Read and accept the Chase QuickPay Legal Agreement terms and conditions.
4.  Select the valid Chase account you want to use with this service.
5.  Start using Chase QuickPay to send payment to RPI (

              If you’re a Chase customer but you don’t have an active profile, please:
1.  Go to to enroll in Chase QuickPay & create your online profile.
2.  Then, follow the steps above for Chase customers with active online profiles to activate Chase QuickPay.

              If you’re not a Chase customer, please create a Chase profile and enroll in Chase QuickPay:
1.  Click the enrollment option on
2.  Create a secure profile.
3.  Verify your preferred e-mail address.
4.  Read and accept the required legal terms including the Chase QuickPay Service Agreement terms and conditions.
5.  Add and validate the external  bank account you want to use with this service.
6.  Start using Chase QuickPay to send and receive money.

During and after enrollment, please check your e-mail account to make sure your Chase QuickPay notifications reach your inbox (and are not blocked). Otherwise, you may not be able to complete enrollment or receive notifications about your Chase QuickPay activity.

Once you've activated your Chase QuickPay profile, you can return to Chase QuickPay anytime:
              If you are a Chase customer on the My Accounts page on, click “Payments & Transfers.” Then, click “Chase QuickPay” in the middle of the page. If you're a Chase QuickPay only customer using a non-Chase account then return to 

4.  I appreciate the cooperation of all members making this 'fee- free' change for the benefit of the CoOp.  Members who prefer to continue using Paypal will be expected to add 5% of their total invoice prior to making payment.  

5.  Supplier Appreciation Month - Something new, but long overdue!  This month, members are asked to make something (cookies, pies, candy, etc.).  These homemade (nothing store-brought, please) treats will be distributed to our suppliers - not just the suppliers themselves, but the people who actually take care of preparing our critters' food.  There are many 'behind the scenes' people that make RPI a success and we need to let them know we appreciate them.  This is strictly voluntary, but I am confident the RPI family will come through again!  It would be particularly nice if thank-you notes were attached from the dogs.

6. Communication - Now that RPI is up-and-running with delivery routes in place (and growing!), please understand that David will no longer be sitting by the computer for 12-14 hours each day.  We'll be racing our whippets on weekends!!  E-mail responses will occur in a timely fashion (within 72 hours).  Also, I do not answer my telephone or respond to texts during school hours.  I shut my phone off (gasp!) at 6 AM and turn it back on around 4:30 or 5:00.  Please plan accordingly.  

7.  RPI Ambassadors - where are you???  We discussed this vital component of our CoOp at December's meeting, but I didn't write names down!  I need to know who these folks are so I can route emails out accordingly.  E-mails will be routed out using a rotation so one person at the top of the list doesn't get 500 calls! RPI Ambassadors will act as mentors to new members or individuals who need some guidance or have questions on how to get started.  I need both cat and dog Ambassadors.  Please email David if you are willing to act as an RPIA.  Pay is beyond minimal.  It is non-existent!  Refrigerator magnets, anyone???

8.  March D-Day - Friday, March 16th 6-8PM.  I am going to need help Thursday night and Friday as well.  David will be racing Schooner and Daytona in Jacksonville (cross your fingers for Schooner's safe return to the track) and this is definitely more than just a one-person show!  I need help.. maybe 2-3 members?  Please email David to let him know if you are available either day.  Thanks in advance.

9.  Deliveries - Michigan went smoothly with one eensy-teensy issue.  David can drive the van and runs deliveries like clock-work.  We are blessed to have him on board to run RPI.  However, his physical handicap will not allow him to unload the orders.  For this reason, satellite managers are asked to make arrangements to have someone (neighbor, RPI member, college-kid, etc.) available to do most of the physical labor necessary.  David can move the products to the rear of the van but someone else must be there for the actual off-loading.  Thank you to all those who were able to make this happen at the last minute in February.  

Thank you for bearing with me to the end of this blog!
Happy Everything to You and Yours,

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Store Closing for Night Owls!

Just a quick note to let you know that the store will be down for maintenance tomorrow night (Feb 2) from 11PM until 3AM so all you late night shoppers.... don't count on your cart being there tomorrow night!  This is nothing we can control.  It is something scheduled at the Volusion level.  We just have to cooperate because they run our store!!

Hoping Spring is here but not counting on it!

Monday, January 30, 2012

If You Deliver, They Will Come!

Greetings Critter People!
    David and I barely had time to catch our breath from January before we had to re-stock for February and reorganize some delivery routes.  We are trying to be as accommodative as possible with the plethora of requests we have had for delivery, but also mindful to stay within our 'limits'.  Growth is good but controlled growth is great!  Michigan is exploding with new RPI members.  On average, we are getting 3-4 new members each day.  This really makes me smile.
    Well, the time has come when RPI is going to have to see an increase in prices across-the-board.  This has nothing to do with our delivery program.  It is just a fact of life.  We have not experienced any noticeable price increases in over 2.5 years, so it is time.  As always, I will limit any price increases to those absolutely necessary.  Providing affordable raw products is the focal point of RPI's mission statement.  I will never forget that.  Just keep in mind, I do my best, but I can't work miracles.  Meat is simply just more expensive, especially in the winter.
   Here are some tidbits of information to keep your toes warm (not!)...
     1.  Due to complications regarding tracking stock (paperwork can be hell!), special orders will no longer be offered.  ALL stock will be posted in the store as it becomes available.  I will keep you appraised of new meats & goodies and we will continue to offer monthly specials.
     2.  For all those folks who need to shop in-between D-Days, we will be adding an 'At The House' category.  This will allow members to see what is currently available for drive-by shopping sprees!  While I like to keep a variety of product at my home, additional trips to the warehouse will be few and far between.  Last month, the only thing missing in the warehouse was a sleeping bag!  I simply cannot continue.... we just got too big!!!  Members are welcome to stop by and purchase from the D-Day overage, but I highly recommend calling ahead of time to make sure the store is open.  Translated, this means call to makes sure David or I are home to open the garage door for you!
     3.  New Products for February - 
            * Lamb - packaged hearts and quartered necks 
            * Goat - spleen, neck trim (yummy!), and lungs
            * 30# Pork Heart - Feb. 'Meat-of-the-Month' (snicker, snicker)
            * Duck - hearts, necks, and feet (another yummy!)
            * Pork Neck Pieces - 3" or 6" meaty sections
     4.  Fees, fees, fees!  
            * Delivery fees -  don't forget to add the appropriate delivery fee to your order before you check out.  We have placed a reminder on the check-out page to help you remember, so look for it!
            * CoOp monthly fees - we are struggling with how to handle this issue.  It is a little more complicated than it appears now that we have members in four states, but I am confident we will solve this issue some day... but definitely NOT this month.  We currently have no way of adding the 3.5% monthly CoOp fee onto each order so I am asking members to 'donate' their 3.5%.  Missing this month won't kill us, but we have to recoup somehow!
            * Donations - every bit helps.  Please note that in order to offer monthly specials or 'Meat-of-the-Month', I may have to purchase between 500-1,000 lbs!  Translation - RPI needed to rent more freezer space!  Like I said, every bit helps!
      5.  Product News - 
            * Turkey Chunks won't be available for awhile.  Plan accordingly.
            * BRB Ground Venison is on sale this month and may not be available again until the fall.  It is hard to tell right now, but it is probable.
            * Looking for Homes - Fish, Deer Neck, Boneless Beef, and Bully Stix.  Can you take some home with you???
      6.  We had a great meeting in December.  Problem is... I didn't write anything down that night!  Please HELP!  If you volunteered to do something, please do it and let me know you are doing it.  Does this sound very leader-like to you?????

I LOVE this CoOp. The members make it worth it!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January Specials

This month we are offering two specials - 
    1.  10# Venison Neck Pieces (~3") - $7.00.  Limit 1.
    2.  10# BONELESS Beef Chunks - $13.50 (two 5# bags).  Limit 2.

I am working with our suppliers to offer these extraordinarily good deals. Please note, it is particularly important to take advantage of these wonderful monthly specials if we want our suppliers to keep providing them!