Saturday, December 31, 2011

Placing Special Orders

     I have had several inquiries about Joe's special spleen order.  Here's the deal.... Joe mentioned to me that he would like to get some beef spleen.  I mentioned it to a supplier and presto!  Joe got his beef spleen. Joe also asked if I could get him lung so I am making arrangements to get him lung from goat, sheep, and lamb.  The point is.... I can get just about anything you want if it comes from a carcass!! Now that we have a wonderful store to handle the stock and a wonderful new manager to handle the day-to-day details, I will have the TIME to do this for more people!
     If you would like something special, please drop me an email. I will need to know what you want, how much you want, AND the most you are willing to pay for it.  I will make the best deal I can for you!  It might take me a few weeks to do so and I can't promise that I will always be able to fulfill your 'raw wish-list', but I will do my best!  These are some of the things I can get - 
            a. spleen
            b. pancreas
            c. esophagus/trachea/gullet (goat, sheep, lamb, beef, or pork)
            d. brains (VERY expensive... but I can get them!_
            e. testicles
            f.  lungs

Also, if you are in the market for an unusually large quantity of a particular product, please let me know.  Monthly specials are for the benefit of the entire membership which is why we limit the quantities available for purchase.  Remember, members have different needs depending upon the size and number of their critters.  If you have any particular questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me.


2012 Store

     The new store is up and running.  It works beautifully, but there are a few things you need to remember....
     1.  Everyone has access to the store by agreeing to the waiver.  Once you enter the store, prices are not visible until you complete your initial registration. Until you do so, Members Only will appear instead of the prices.  Once you register, you will simply log-in to the store to place any future orders.  It is important to remember your log-in information so write it down!
     2.  Since we are using this month as a method to compile our current membership roster, it would be greatly appreciated if all existing members register AND place an order for at least one item.  This will make for a smoother transition.  
     3.  We no longer have a Paypal store so the payment policy has been changed.  TO PAY FOR YOUR ORDER.... CLICK ON THE RPI LOGO. DO NOT CLICK THE CONTINUE BUTTON.  THE RPI LOGO will take you to Paypal's website.  Then, follow these directions....
         a.  Log-in to your account.
         b.  Select SEND MONEY (second blue tab).
         c.  Send to -->
         d.  Submit your order total from the store.
         e.  Select PERSONAL (second grey tab near bottom of page)
         f.  Select PAYMENT OWED

Feedback on the store has been nothing but positive!
leslie (who is wearing a happy-face today!)

PS  Please feel free to post comments on any blog.  

Thursday, December 29, 2011

January 2012

Happy New Year!
    Many changes to RPI are under way!  Every time I start to pen a blog, I am amazed at the number of updates I have to share.  RPI has evolved and grown because of all of the support and encouragement I continue to receive from the members. I was awed at the number of members who attended our December informational meeting in my living room - standing room only!!!  RPI is no longer just a whimsical idea of mine.  It is a self-supporting group of awesome pet-owners that now spreads throughout Indiana and into several other states!  I want to personally thank everyone for their words of encouragement and willingness to volunteer.  RPI is blazing new trails all because of you! Thank you very much for believing in me!
   Here's the scoop (bear with me.... you NEED to read it all) -  
1.  Please welcome David Busch as RPI's new general manager!  We do share the same surname because we also shared the same parents!  David has been 'in the wings' since the inception of RPI in 2007 so he is very familiar with the coOp. He recently retired and has a wealth of business knowledge so I am confident that RPI will flourish under his guidance.  Actually, he has been my sounding board and support-person for the last four years so his retirement came at an opportune 
time for RPI!  David's presence will allow me to locate new and more suppliers, which is what started RPI so I feel like I have now come full circle!
2.  The new store will be up and running no later than noon on Dec 30th.  Orders are due by 10PM on Jan 6th.  Since the new store tracks inventory, monitors the taxes, and tallies the orders, that is the ONLY way in which you can place an order. In the past I have taken verbal orders or email orders. However, this will no longer be an option!  Anyone who misses the order deadline is welcome to shop the overage or extras at the close of D-Day.
3.  Members are going to have to check into the website regularly to stay abreast of what is going on.  There will be a similar monthly schedule so please pay attention to the calendar.  We have grown too large to rely on mass emails and now that David is here, I will be able to provide the members with more frequent updates.... via the Blog!  
4.  Indianapolis Distributions (D-Days) are no longer going to take place on Saturday mornings.  Instead, they will take place on Friday evenings from 5-7PM.  This will allow everybody more time to enjoy their weekends.  
5.  Notes on the new store - 
     a.  Please send any input to  We need to know what works and what doesn't and of course, we are always open to suggestions.  If you see an area that could stand some improvement, let us know.
     b. The store is defaulted to list items from lowest priced --> highest price.  Items can be arranged alphabetically by selecting 'Title' in the sort by drop-down. You can play with this option to see what works best for you.
     c.  EVERYTHING is pre-weighed, pre-priced, and ready to go!!  You just select the items and the quantity you want to add to your cart!  This is going to simplify the ordering process... on both ends!  Also, items that are in limited quantities will disappear as they are purchased so if you want something in particular and we only have a few of them, you need to make your purchase as soon as possible!  When something is gone.... it is gone.... until next month.   
6.  RPI deliveries will begin in a few weeks.  We have satellite managers in Ft. Wayne, Kokomo, Dayton, Louisville, Toledo, and Jackson, MI.  We are still looking for satellite managers throughout Illinois, Michigan, and anywhere else people want deliveries. Satellite managers accept prepaid deliveries for the families in their area.  I am not a fan of dropping off product in parking lots.  This is a community-based operation so I prefer to keep it in the community.  Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a Satellite Manager or if you know of someone that might be.

Fingers crossed that all goes well with our new store!  Again, I really appreciate being able to do this for everyone.  Hug your Critters...
